Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Teaching Children with Disabilities Presentations

Learning Disabilities Slideshow Project

For my Teaching Children with Disabilities class we had to create a special needs presentation and have a differentiation matrix. I was partnered up with Beth and we choose the topic of learning disabilities and decided to create a Google Drive slideshow to present to the class.

Here are the directions & rubric for the project:

This will be a presentation on a special needs area of your choice. Your task is to “teach” this area to the class using any resources. (Please cite your sources) You must include the key points about the especial needs area, the DPI criteria for the disability (if appropriate) as well as the differentiation strategies that may be helpful when teaching students with this special needs area. You will complete a sample building block matrix on the special needs area for each member of the class. The matrix will include indicators of the special needs area as well as suggested adaptions. Present a lesson to demonstrate how you would use differentiation strategies specific to the special needs area. Select a discussion question (end of chapter) to discuss with the class. You will have a maximum of 30 minutes for the presentation.

This project is worth 100 points. Due dates will be March 27 through April 8


 A WELL DONE presentation will include the following:
1.     Cover sheet to be handed in to the instructor with your name and the topic
2.     Key points and characteristics are clearly explained to the audience
3.     DPI criteria for the disability area discussed
4.     Identifies differentiation strategies/adaptations on a matrix format
5.     Case study examined with the class
6.     Presentation appears to be well planned and cohesive
7.     Consistent use of People First Language

Here is my Google Drive Slideshow: Enjoy!

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