Tuesday, March 25, 2014

High School Development Book Project

           High School Development Book Project

        For The Comprehensive High School class, we had to do a project where we read a young adult book or a book about a high school student and their development throughout the novel. We could choose any way we wanted to present it to the class. The directions for the project were really open-ended and vague because our professor wanted us to have fun and get creative with it.

        Here are the directions for the project:

         While reading your book, mark pages and passages that reveal things about the character you are “following” that relate to the character’s development. In particular:

·      Introspective
·      Somatic
·      Intellectual
·      Familial
·      Communal

          Be prepared to describe your character’s growth (or changes) from the beginning to the ending of the book. You may do this through easy, captioned illustrations, or a digital presentation. Or any other form that appeals to you as long as you check with me first.

        I chose to create my project using PowerPoint to present my information in a slideshow form. But I can't figure out how to get it on this blog without using a program that asks for money or a credit card, so instead I'm going to put the outline of my slideshow on here instead, which is the next best thing I could think of. If you really want to see me slideshow (which is really cool may I add), leave a comment with your email address & I will send it to you by email as an attachment.

Young Adult Book Assignment:
Out of My Mind
By: Sharon M. Draper
Slideshow created by: Marissa Kleckner

Introduction to the Main Character: Melody
       Has Cerebral Palsy
       Has a photographic memory
       Smartest kid in her whole school
       But no one knows it
       Teachers & doctors don’t think she’s capable of learning
       Can’t talk, walk, or write

Basic Plot
       Melody is was an only child
        Hates her special education classes & that she isn’t able to talk or communicate
       Eventually she is given a communicative device to help her talk
       She gets the opportunity to participate in a trivia competition
       Her Mom becomes pregnant & Melody has a baby sister

Basic Plot Continued
       Inclusion classes = included in the normal classrooms
       Gets a special aid to help her communicate & do better in school
       Melody makes the competitive Whiz Kids Trivia Team
       Everything goes downhill
       But the day of the competition the team ditches Melody & she never gets to participate
       Her younger sister gets hit by a car

Introspective Domain
       Personal Identity – wants to be able to talk & to express herself
       Who am I? – She is trying to answer this question herself constantly throughout the book
       Self talk where they weigh, reevaluate, & critically analyze everything
       Melody does a lot of self talking throughout the book, especially in the beginning when she couldn’t talk or communicate to anyone else

Introspective Domain Continued
       Has obvious positive & negative thoughts depending on her mood & the situation
       Melody learns a lot about herself and her potential when she is included into the normal classes & studies & prepares for the Whiz Kids Trivia Competition
       She develops her personal identity and understanding of herself throughout the book

Somatic Domain
       Physical changes – Melody has mainly physical problems, where she doesn’t have much control of her body, but her brain isn’t really affected
       Has no balance
       Uses a wheelchair to get around
       Has to rely on other people for eating, drinking, clothing, and going to the bathroom
       Tornado Explosions = lose control of her body

Somatic Domain Continued
       Worried about their looks – She’s constantly worried about how she looks & wants to look as normal as possible & wants to fit in
       Wants her mom to dress her up in nice clothes & tries her best to have good personal hygiene
       Concerns regarding their sexuality, personal hygiene, & overall well being
       Prone to mood swings & violent behavior = tornado explosion when gets mad, excited, or frustrated
       Melody explains at the end that 5th grade is pretty rough, rocky, & awkward

Intellectual Domain
       Cognitive development
       Students all at different levels
       Read a lot growing up
       Loves watching the Discovery channel, listening to the radio, & likes facts
       Melody is smart & has a photographic memory

Intellectual Domain Continued
       Gets an assistant to take her to classes, sit with her, and help her participate
       Knows the answer to almost every question
       Is very smart for her age
       Strong in every subject area (especially language arts) but weak in math

Familial Domain
       Relationship/how interact with siblings, parents, and other family members – very close with her family & her neighbor Mrs. Valencia
       Has major support from her family & neighbor Mrs. Valencia who all believe in Melody & encourage her
       Changing roles & tensions in the family may affect self-concept & self esteem (birth of Penny)

Familial Domain Continued
       In the beginning of the book, her relationship with her parents wasn’t as good because she wasn’t able to talk & communicate
       Mom becomes pregnant & Melody has a baby sister, which changes the dynamic of the family
       Jealous that Penny is born normal & can walk, talk, and function normally

Communal Domain
       Social aspect of school
       She’s constantly comparing herself & her development to the normal kids
       Wants to be like all the other kids – she wants to be normal
       Likes watching the normal kids
       She’s jealous of all the things they can do & she can’t

Communal Domain Continued
       Kids ignore her, pretend she’s invisible, or mock & make fun of her
       Want to belong & feel accepted
       All Melody wants is a friend
       Even some of the teacher’s don’t give Melody a chance & discriminate against her
       Group participation in their school, neighborhood, & local community

Last Communal Domain Slide
       Because Melody has an assistant other children get jealous & accuse her of cheating
       Doesn’t feel like she belongs anywhere. She feels like she doesn’t fit in with the special education kids, but she doesn’t feel like she fits in with the normal kids
       Does not like eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom in public because she gets embarrassed

       Author Sharon M. Draper Short Interview (3 minute YouTube Video)
       Are there any questions, comments, or concerns?
       Thank you for watching & listening to my presentation, I appreciate it. 

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