Friday, March 21, 2014

Introduction: About Me

Introduction: About Me

Hi, my name is Marissa Kleckner. I am from Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. I am 19 years old. I have an identical twin sister named Stephanie Kleckner who also goes to St. Norbert College. Along with going to college, I currently work at Ruth’s Marketplace, which is the cafeteria at my college. At the cafeteria I take care of the salad bar, serve food, wash dishes, and wash the tables. I am involved in intramural sand volleyball and intramural indoor volleyball at St. Norbert. 

For a career I want to be a high school English teacher and a book author. I plan to major in English, get a certification for teaching early adolescence/adolescence, which is ages 10-21, and have an emphasis in creative writing. In my free time I like to play volleyball, go for a jog, hang out with friends, listen to music, watch movies, go on Facebook, read books, write, sing, dance, doodle, and draw.

I picked English as my major because I like to read and write. I grew up my whole life reading books and I love reading a good book. When I’m bored I usually resort to something that involves reading. If I’m not reading a book, I’m usually either reading a magazine or looking at pictures. I like reading and imagining another place in my head. I find reading a relaxing hobby and it calms me down. I like how I can just start reading and I can focus just on that and all the rest of my worries sort of drift away.

However, writing has the opposite effect. When I write something that I want to write about I get really excited and a bunch of ideas run through my head all at once. I get an adrenaline rush and my heart starts beating. Usually I have so many ideas popping in my head that it’s hard for me to write or type it all down. I like to get my ideas and thoughts out on paper and be able to examine them and have other people read them. Sometimes I really surprise myself with what I write.

Growing up, Language Arts and English were always my favorite classes, even if I didn’t really like the teacher. I remember always loving to write poems and stories. I remember in middle school, going to writing workshops outside of normal class hours and being able to write and create my own books. I remember spending a lot of out of class time and working really hard on my books. We even got to make our own illustrations, put them together, and make our own book.

The one thing I didn’t like is that there was only one copy of my book because I wanted to have multiple copies to give to my family, relatives, and friends. But I didn’t just want that. I wanted more than that. I wanted to have my book published and have people that I didn’t know read my book. The thought of someone I never met reading something that I wrote and actually caring and taking what I have to say into consideration thrills me.

It’s my dream to not only become an English teacher but also to have my own book published. I want to be an English teacher to not only help students improve their reading, writing, speaking, and communication skills, but I also want to give my students the opportunity to have a voice and be heard.  

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